版本 0.1 核心逻辑

变更分析影响的主要步骤为四步,当前版本完成了(1 ~ 3):

  1. 构建基线版本(基于 since)的 AST 调用模型
  2. 获取提交(since ~ until)之间的所有变更文件,将这些文件更新到 AST 调用模型。
    1. compareWithBaseline 中,对比新旧的 AST,获取变更的文件、函数等。
  3. 生成函数、函数调用关系的映射,计算变化影响的调用。
  4. (未实现)更新到最新的文件路径,以实现增量的计算


fun countBetween(sinceRev: String, untilRev: String): List<ChangedCall> {
    val repository = FileRepositoryBuilder().findGitDir(File(path)).build()
    val git = Git(repository).specifyBranch(branch)

    val since: ObjectId = git.repository.resolve(sinceRev)
    val until: ObjectId = git.repository.resolve(untilRev)

    // 1. create based ast model from since revision commit
    this.baseLineDataTree = createBaselineAstTree(repository, since)

    // 2. calculate changed files to utils file
    for (commit in git.log().addRange(since, until).call()) {
        getChangedFiles(repository, commit)

    // 3. count changed items reverse-call function
    val changedCalls = this.calculateChange()

    // add path map to projects

    // 4. align to the latest file path (maybe), like: increment for path changes
    return changedCalls

核心的代码在 compareWithBaseline 方法中:

newDataStructs = diffFileFromBlob(repository, blobId, filePath, JavaAnalyserApp())

val oldDataStructs = this.differFileMap[filePath]!!.dataStructs

// 1. 如果一个文件内类数量不一致,则判定整个文件变了。
if (newDataStructs.size != oldDataStructs.size) {
    val difference = newDataStructs.filterNot { oldDataStructs.contains(it) }
    difference.forEach {
        this.changedFiles[filePath] = ChangedEntry(filePath, filePath, it.Package, it.NodeName)
} else {
    newDataStructs.forEachIndexed { index, ds ->
        // in first version, if field changed, just make data structure change will be simple
        // 2. 如果一个类的成员变量数量不一样,同样判定整个类变了。
        if (ds.Fields.size != oldDataStructs[index].Fields.size) {
            this.changedClasses[filePath] = ChangedEntry(filePath, filePath, ds.Package, ds.NodeName)
        } else if (!ds.Fields.contentEquals(oldDataStructs[index].Fields)) {
            this.changedClasses[filePath] = ChangedEntry(filePath, filePath, ds.Package, ds.NodeName)

        // 3. 如果函数的不相等,就对函数进行比对,寻找出变化的函数
        // compare for function sizes
        if (!ds.Functions.contentEquals(oldDataStructs[index].Functions)) {
            val difference = ds.Functions.filterNot { oldDataStructs[index].Functions.contains(it) }
            difference.forEach {
                this.changedFunctions[filePath] =
                    ChangedEntry(filePath, filePath, ds.Package, ds.NodeName, it.Name)